The soccer anime debuted years prior to the arrival of Blue Lock and followed the story of its protagonist Ashito Aoi as he attempted to take his middle school team to the top. Unlike Blue Lock, which ...
Attack on Titan anime is a great adaptation of its manga counterpart and enlivens it with spectacular animation and the best soundtracks. However, there’s one aspect that could have been better in the ...
Of course, there were plenty of great anime from varying shades of genres that released across 2024. There were glitzy show business psychological dramas like “Oshi No Ko,” intimate sports ...
Initial news also stated that the project would include a man and a woman, but with no further relevant information. Since this one-shot is a spin-off, it could also follow a slightly different path.
Oshi no Ko details the inherent darkness in the pop idol and acting industry. Twins Aqua and Ruby Hoshino are the children of murdered pop sensation Ai Hoshino, with Aqua vowing to seek revenge ...
The episode, titled Changing Heart, saw Hajime deciding ... given how no antagonist has returned in the past in this series. Noint as seen in the anime (Image via asread) So, their potential ...