Festival-goers can explore Tet traditions from Vietnam’s three main regions through over 100 cultural and culinary booths representing around 30 provinces nationwide ...
中国电建于2024年12月26日与Suez Wind Energy S.A.E公司签署了一份价值约8.5亿美元的EPC合同。该合同涉及在埃及苏伊士湾地区建设中东北非最大陆上风力发电厂。 观点网讯: 1月2日,中国电建集团国际工程有限公司埃及分公司透露,中国电建于2024年12月26日与Suez Wind Energy ...
Sabah and Macau should combine their strengths and complement resources to create a larger network for economic and trade connectivity between ASEAN, China and the world. “Sabah serves as a gateway to ...