华为该方案 可实现分钟级采集,采集300户仅需40秒,采集成功率高达99.9%,更具备无扰拓扑识别的能力 ,能够在保障电力供应、承载新能源负荷、改善民生方面发挥重要作用。
The deepening agricultural cooperation in local communities, exemplified by the sci-tech backyards, has not only boosted ...
“青岛高新区没有因为我们不是区内企业而服务减半,反而帮我们‘一对一’全方位对接意向客户。”日前,青岛睿创通科技设备有限公司总经理付百英说。 此前,还未落户青岛高新区的睿创通,通过青岛高新区“e企炬链”活动对接了中国重汽集团青岛重工 ...
如何当好服务企业的主力军,发挥统筹总抓牵头人的作用,帮助企业科技创新和产业升级?最近,2024中关村论坛系列活动“向新而行”2024场景赋能新质生产力系列活动正如火如荼展开,一场场现场对接会成效显著。 9月21日,该系列活动走进北京房山,在中关村 ...
During the period, foreign direct investment (FDI) in the Chinese mainland, in actual use, totaled 580.2 billion yuan (about ...
BEIJING, Sept. 20 (Xinhua) -- An array of tax data on innovation, digital economy and high-end manufacturing reflects China's achievements in high-quality development in the first eight months of the ...
A one-stop platform to boost medical innovation and commercialization of clinical achievements was unveiled in Shanghai's ...
德国人力资源科技服务商Become.1近日宣布完成种子轮融资,投资方包括D11Z.Ventures、Haufe Group Ventures等。
"The digitalization of cultural tourism has become a new trend," said Ma Yiliang, chief statistician of the China Tourism ...
全球蔬菜种子行业核心企业包括Dupont Pioneer, Gansu Dunhuang Seed, Henan Huafeng Seed, Kenya Seed, Krishidhan, KWS, Monsanto, Pannar Seed, Rasi Seeds, Syngenta, WIN-ALL HI-TECH SEED, YUXI AGRICULTURE等。 蔬菜种子市场:细分分析 ...