The landscape of homological algebra has evolved over the past half-century into a fundamental tool for the working mathematician. This book provides a unified account of homological algebra as it ...
He enjoys using tools from homological algebra, like spectral sequences and A-infinity algebras, to study geometric and topological objects, like knots and spaces. He is also interested in theoretical ...
Traditionally, this algebra has mostly been homological, but Professor Greenlees is concerned with the topology of spaces with symmetry, so group theory also plays a part. He has been a pioneer in the ...
CRC 1442: Geometry: Deformation and Rigidity - C02: Homological algebra for stable ∞-categories The general goal of the project is to study the homological algebra of stable infinity-categories and ...
To develop this idea to its fullest extent, Chevalley... Homological Algebra Henri Cartan and Samuel Eilenberg When this book was written, methods of algebraic topology had caused revolutions in the ...
I resigned this in 2013 to return to a position at Sheffield. I am an algebraic geometer with a particular interest in homological methods and interactions with string theory. My main focus is on ...