时间:2024-09-20 17:13:40 来源:chinadaily.com.cn This photo taken on Sept 13, 2024 shows an experimental high-speed train ...
Australian wingsuiter Tahi Munroe won the air racing title in 24.703 seconds at the tenth World Wingsuit League Wingsuit ...
The number of research and development institutions in Changsha, Hunan province, has increased by 866 since September last year, and the city has 7,842 high-tech enterprises, according to a summit hel ...
Five years ago, it would take at least three months for African coffee beans to be transported to China. Now, it can be achieved in one month or less, according to Jing Jianhua, a man who has been eng ...
This aerial photo taken on Aug 10, 2023 shows a farmer harvesting rice in a field in Shuangfeng county of Loudi city, Central ...
CHANGSHA, Sept. 8 (Xinhua) -- A shipment of mutton from Madagascar was cleared at Changsha Customs in central China's Hunan Province on Sunday, marking China's first mutton imports from Africa and an ...
来源:【华声在线】 9月3日晚,“天涯共此时·湘约中东”湖南文旅走进科威特、阿联酋活动在科威特艾哈迈迪省开幕。
中国需求的结构性调整,正在深远影响矿业大国澳大利亚 8月的澳大利亚正值冬季,西部的皮尔巴拉地区(Pilbara)炎热干燥。在帕克角码头上,数十辆矿车正排队卸下上百吨褐红色铁矿砂,不远处的巨大堆取料机斗轮匀速转动,将不同品位的铁矿石按比例混配 ...
The total capacity of the refrigeration house of the center reaches 240,000 cubic meters, making it the largest single intelligent cold-chain storage project in Hunan Province. It will satisfy the ...
有地方人士表示这主要是表明态度,本质是推动资产盘活变现;重庆、甘肃、内蒙古、青海等省份市县都有类似表述 【财新网】8月28日,一份重庆市璧山区成立“砸锅卖铁”工作专班的文件在网络上流传,引发广泛关注。 网传截图显示,重庆市璧山区人民政府 ...
8月27日,2024年度最受市场喜爱的湖南避暑旅游目的地颁奖仪式暨第三届桂东县康氧避暑节,在桂东县举行。其中桂东县、炎陵县等10个县被评为湖南省十佳康养避暑目的地。 本次活动以“清凉消夏 ‘湘’约湖南”为主题,旨在抓住夏季避暑旅游新业态新热点,大力宣传推介湖南省“清凉”资源优势,把绿水青山“氧化”为“金山银山”,把凉爽的气候资源转化为有形的避暑产品,进一步树立湖南避暑旅游品牌。(来源:新湖南) O ...