作为人气超高的日常皮肤保养方法,光子嫩肤已成为“医美万金油”,但也有很多人对它仍然一知半解,下面,长沙爱尔眼科医院医学美容科周艳丹主任将为大家揭开光子嫩肤的神秘面纱!一、什么是“光子嫩肤”?强脉冲光俗称“光子嫩肤”。强脉冲光(Intense ...
Medically reviewed by Susan Bard, MD Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy uses an intense beam of light to treat conditions ...
Yes, there are countless skincare products available to reduce the appearance of discoloration, but even more than that, there’s IPL (Intense Pulsed Light). The noninvasive treatment uses light ...
Intense Pulsed Light, or IPL, is a new and exciting way to improve and rejuvenate the skin. Unlike a laser, which emits one specific wavelength of light, IPL emits a broad spectrum of light with each ...