Medicine was an important part of medieval Islamic life; both rich and poor people were interested in health and diseases. Islamic doctors and a number of scholars wrote profusely on health and ...
Sancho I, ruler of the kingdom of Léon in the north of modern-day Spain, was overthrown by rebel nobles in A.D. 958. Their motive, even by the turbulent politics of the day, was an unusual one ...
Medicine in the Islamic World has a long history of textual production and practical adaptations, from the Canon of Ibn Sina the Comprehensive Medical Casebook of al-Razi, up to medicine today. Come ...
Speaking on Sunday, MBRF Managing Director, Jamal bin Huwaireb, said the second installment of this museum will introduce visitors to seven fields in medicine including 'Islamic Medicine'; 'Inside ...
Leading on from this, I’d like to reach out to all members of our community to enlighten you with information on how Islam has shaped contemporary medicine and positively influenced the care you ...
During the Abbasid Caliphate (AD750 -1258), Baghdad became the centre for science, medicine, maths and more! This early Islamic period is sometimes called the Golden Age of Islam because there ...
Leading on from this, I’d like to reach out to all members of our community to enlighten you with information on how Islam has shaped contemporary medicine and positively influenced the care you ...