Lactose intolerance affects 70% of the global population, causing symptoms like bloating and diarrhea due to insufficient lactase enzyme. While genetic intolerance is incurable, temporary cases ...
Dare I test the integrity of my jeans’ stud button with pizza quattro formaggi and ... Can they work so well at keeping diarrhoea at bay that they swing the other way and create constipation? It ...
These delicious treats are just cups of whipped cream, but it's led many folks to ask an important question: are dogs lactose intolerant? Much like the speculation that cats love cream (adult cats ...
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. -- Many people who claim to be lactose intolerant really aren't, says Dennis Savaiano, dean of Purdue University's School of Consumer and Family Sciences. The problem, Savaiano ...
Over Thanksgiving, my son mentioned to me that he’d been having some issues with lactose intolerance. However, he said he’d overcome them through something I will call a dairy boot camp, where he ...
It can be used as a lactose intolerance test, and to aid in the diagnosis of a variety of gastrointestinal disorders such as fructose intolerance and intestinal bacteria overgrowth. The new Gastro ...
According to the British Allergy Foundation reliable methods for testing for intolerance is by an exclusion diet. This involves removing all suspect foods from the diet (which is a very bland diet ...