The University of Michigan has identified proteolysis targeting chimeric (PROTACs) compounds comprising cereblon (CRBN) ligands covalently bonded to a CREB-binding protein (CREBBP; CBP) and/or histone ...
One important example are histones, which are needed at a constant histone-to-DNA stoichiometry. Here we show that budding yeast achieves histone homeostasis in different nutrients through a ...
Five families of histones are found in eukaryotic cells, namely, H1/H5, H2A, H2B, H3, and H4. H1 and H5 histones (linker histones) lock the DNA into place by binding the DNA entry and exit sites and ...
and tumorigenesis due to its unique linker and macro domains. The histone chaperone Facilitates Chromatin Transcription (FACT) can clear macroH2A from specific locations on the chromatin ...
The capacity of cells to adhere to, exert forces upon and migrate through their surrounding environment governs tissue regeneration and cancer metastasis. The role of the physical contractile forces ...
Non-condensed nucleosomes without the linker histone resemble "beads on a string of DNA" under an electron microscope. In contrast to most eukaryotic cells, mature sperm cells largely use ...
To measure the behavior of MeCP2 relative to other well studied nuclear proteins, we used in parallel vectors expressing the HaloTag domain fused to the histone H2b, to a small domain containing MeCP2 ...
Inside the nucleus of a cell, the DNA is wound around histone proteins. This forms a structure called chromatin that allows the long DNA strands to fit inside the cell. Variations in chromatin ...