Introduction to fundamental concepts and applications of electrical engineering. Topics include: circuit analysis from dc resistive networks to networks of impedances operating in the sinusoidal ...
This chapter begins with nodal, loop and mesh equations and how they are applied to the solution of circuits containing two or more node-pairs and two or more loops or meshes. Other topics included in ...
Offering an introduction to the basic principles of electrical engineering, this text covers DC and AC circuit analysis, and Transients, and presumes knowledge of first year differential and integral ...
This pressure difference causes water to flow around the loop – just like the potential difference produced by a cell or battery causes electrical current to flow in a circuit. The amount of ...
Using circuit simulating software like SPICE can be a powerful tool for modeling the behavior of a circuit in the real world. On the other hand, it’s not always necessary to have all of the ...
I now believe that there’s a few gaps that I could bridge. For instance, I have not provided enough example circuits, and sometimes one schematic can convey things better than a thousand words.
Empathy and aggression are essential to well-being and survival, but its circuit mechanism remains unclear. Here, authors show two specific pathways from the medial amygdala as brain switches ...
Is it possible to reduce noise without it being super obvious? Loop is one brand that seems to think so. The company's products have an attractive appeal, with flashy, fun colors and a namesake ...
This theoretical study makes a useful contribution to our understanding of a subtype of type 2 diabetes – ketosis-prone diabetes mellitus (KPD) – with a potential impact on our broader understanding ...
A source consisting of several different photonic states results in a single photon beam that can be used for quantum technologies, optical computer circuits or for other applications. The device ...