The China Geological Survey under the Ministry of Natural Resources said Wednesday that the country's lithium reserves have increased from 6 percent to 16.5 percent of the global total, propelling it ...
日产开始慌了,董事长埋怨:中国工厂效率太高!日本现在非常着急!!在日本国内,基本见不到一辆Made in china的车。但有意思的是,日本却已经开始居安思危了,认为中国汽车的崛起,已经对日本汽车造成了很大冲击,他们必须联合起来,所以,就有了这一次本田、日产、三菱的合作,要知道,这种合作在此之前是无法想象的,3个品牌单独拎一个出来,在汽车界都是响当当的存在。 从全球销量来看,本田第7,日产第8。若 ...
Michela Tindera Chloe wanders around outside the entrance. It’s loud and electronic music is thumping. And there, she meets a 26-year-old guy named Didi Steiner. He’s from Austria, and he catches her ...