Never Too Much, an eye-opening new documentary on the late singer that recently premiered on CNN, archival footage shows interviewers pressing Vandross about his sexuality. He stridently refused to ...
Since 1971, downtown Chemnitz has been home to one of the largest portrait busts of Karl Marxin the world. "Karl Marx needs no legs, no hands, his head says it all," the statue's sculptor, Soviet ...
But none have been as popular as modern portfolio theory (MPT). Here, we look at the basic ideas behind MPT, its pros and cons, and how it should factor into your portfolio management. Modern ...
In 2015, a group of Guatemalan minors was brought to the United States and forced to live in squalid conditions and work long hours on an Ohio egg farm under threats of violence. Thousands of human ...
Joseph Juran was a pioneer in the study of quality control. His management theory has gained worldwide recognition in the science, engineering and mathematics fields. His “Juran’s Quality Control ...
At major computer-science publication venues, up to 17% of the peer reviews are now written by artificial intelligence. We need guidelines before things get out of hand.
The second set of quests, Exploring New Perspective, is live, and gamers have three brand-new quests to complete in order to unlock more freebies. Sims 4 players looking to take their family ...