Recent research explores how molecular structure and geometry influence light emission in aggregation-induced emission molecules. The study reveals that changes in molecular shape affect emission ...
Research at Shinshu University explores how molecular structure and geometry influence light emission in aggregation-induced emission molecules. The study, which was published in the Journal of ...
Alberto Credi of the University of Bologna has succeeded in inserting a filiform molecule into the cavity of a ring-shaped molecule, according to a high-energy geometry that is not possible at ...
Geometry Dash offers players the chance to unlock in-game rewards through redeeming codes, which are available for The Vault, Chamber of Time, and Vault of Secrets. Known for its captivating ...
according to a high-energy geometry that is not possible at thermodynamic equilibrium. In other words, light makes it possible to create a molecular “fit” that would otherwise be inaccessible.
Exploiting an ingenious combination of photochemical (i.e., light-induced) reactions and self-assembly processes, a team led by Prof. Alberto Credi of ...