More than a hundred shaven-headed men pour out of their Yangon hostel around 6 am for a day of weightlifting, karate drills, dancing and Buddhist prayer -- drug rehabilitation, Myanmar style.
That's because the proposed changes include tweaks to the composition of waqf boards, making it compulsory to include non-Muslims as its members. Some agree that a general law mandating people of ...
Start your morning with prayer and experience the joy and peace that comes from faith ... All: Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; Leader: For he is our God and ...
“All the same, I fear that the distrust that was immediately propagated on the net against Muslims, foreigners and people with a history of immigration will entrench itself deeper in society.
This intersection of bureaucratization and the absence of welfare policies in Muslim-majority areas gave rise to a crisis within a crisis, with each reinforcing the other. Considering that the vast ...