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Plant-eating animals may need more time to find and consume food if their usual meal becomes less nutritious, exposing themselves to greater risks from predators and other stresses in the process.
Climate change is reducing the nutritional value of plants due to rising CO2 levels, causing nutrient dilution and affecting the food web. • Faster-growing plants contain fewer nutrients like protein, ...
Today, it's covered with impressively tall and thick beds of wild rice. Larson, a research ecologist with the U.S. Geological Survey, and Alicia Carhart, Mississippi River vegetation specialist ...
Versatility is one notable attribute of seafood, and diners can keep that in mind as they plan nights out on the town. Another worthy quality of seafood is its nutritional value, which is perhaps more ...
Rising carbon dioxide levels in the air are making plants grow larger and faster, but diluting their nutritional content. This could threaten the health of herbivores worldwide.