China's Chang'e 5 mission brought back evidence that the moon had erupting volcanoes just 120 million years ago.
The region towards the western edge of the Moon is dominated by the largest of the lunar seas; Oceanus Procellarum (Ocean of Storms). This is a massive region measuring approximately 1000 miles by ...
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In the south-western portion of Oceanus Procellarum the null occurs at an angle of incidence of 60° ± 1°.
Intuitive Machines (IM) announced the IM-1 mission with the Nova-C lander has selected the Oceanus Procellarum near the Vallis Schrasöteri as a landing site. The Nova-C lander is a lunar lander ...
That daylight has now reached the southwestern edge of Oceanus Procellarum, the Ocean of Storms, one of the largest of the Moon’s dark maria. Along that southwestern rim, look with a telescope ...
The region where Chang'e 5 landed, called Oceanus Procellarum, may be one such area where rocks were enriched in these heat-producing elements. Volcanism is a major way in which all rocky ...
This time around, the watchmakers sought inspiration from Oceanus Procellarum—Latin for ‘Ocean of Storms’—a massive lunar mare on the western edge of the moon’s surface. The new model ...
However, from its landing site near an area rich in volcanic domes called Mons Rümker in Oceanus Procellarum ("Ocean of Storms"), Chang'e 5 managed to find three glass beads that are very special ...
Recent research indicates that the Moon had volcanic activity approximately 120 million years ago, based on samples from China's Chang’e-5 mission. Scientists identified volcanic glass beads in ...