证券之星消息,2024年12月19日沃尔德(688028)发布公告称野村东方国际证券、混沌投资、汇蠡投资、途灵资管、东亚银行、广发基金、甬兴证券、翼虎投资、仁布投资于2024年12月17日调研我司。 具体内容如下: 问:超硬刀具未来发展趋势?
公司PCBN旋铣刀具现场测试效果较好;2、梯形丝杠加工用刀具也正在研发中;3、针对减速器内齿圈及齿形加工提供PCBN刀具等。上述新产品能否开发 ...
An inside look into the Carmelite Monks of Wyoming, who are combining centuries-old Gothic architectural principles with modern CNC machining to build a monastery in the mountains of Wyoming.
An inside look into the Carmelite Monks of Wyoming, who are combining centuries-old Gothic architectural principles with modern CNC machining to build a monastery in the mountains of Wyoming.