A new study found that 86% of foods tested in the Bay Area contained plastic chemicals, including those known to be ...
Phthalates exposure was associated with increased body fat percentage and metabolic syndrome risk among adolescent male ...
Microplastics, phthalates, BPA and PFAS are all around us. What to know about these potentially toxic substances, how they are used or end up in and around us — and why they’re concerning.
But scientists and clinicians are increasingly raising alarm over a group of chemicals used in many personal care products: phthalates. The concerns about childhood exposure to phthalates are high ...
A leading fertility scientist has warned against microwaving food in plastic containers because of its possible effects on ...
Seven years ago, the Consumer Product Safety Commission banned many phthalates from children's toys based on their health ...
Health experts are warning consumers to avoid products containing phthalates, synthetic chemicals commonly used to make plastics flexible and to enhance fragrances, according to the National ...
Quezon City.  The toxics watchdog group EcoWaste Coalition cautioned consumers against the purchase and use of three ...
But, as CR argues, that's just one reason why the likes of the US Food and Drug Administration is sorely behind what the science says on how dangerous these chemicals — phthalates especially ...
As the Washington Post notes in its medical column, that's because many perfumes on the market are infused with a potentially harmful chemical known as phthalates, which help their scents last longer.
In August, the Seoul Metropolitan Government found phthalates in some pairs of shoes, with one particular pair containing 229 times the legal limit. The same investigation revealed that sandal ...