We are determined to embrace innovation and pursue development through transformation. 2024 is a pivotal year for XCMG as we press ahead with our "Intelligent,Digital,and Connected Transformation" ...
Developing a strong passenger vehicle business has been a strategic focus for JAC Group since the tenure of Mr. Zuo Yan’an.
BEIJING, Sep 14 (China Economic Net) - The China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) has emerged as a pivotal ...
A major event took place in Jiangbeizui on September 12, marking the signing, groundbreaking, and commissioning of key projects for the third quarter of 2024 in Jiangbei District and the completion of ...
中证网讯(记者 周璐璐)美国东部时间9月13日,生物制药公司Zenas BioPharma(简称:泽纳仕生物)正式在纳斯达克挂牌上市,股票代码:ZBIO。此次上市,泽纳仕生物发行价为17美元,计划发行1323.5万股,募资总额为2.25亿美元。上市首日,公司开盘价为18.35美元,较发行价上涨7.9%;收盘价为18.15美元,较发行价上涨6.76%;以收盘价计算,公司市值为6.95亿美元。
John Lee Ka-chiu, Chief Executive of China's Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, delivered a speech at the Summit, emphasizing that as China's most open and international city, Hong Kong is ...
雷建平 9月12日 生物制药公司Zenas BioPharma(泽纳仕生物)日前递交招股书,准备本周在纳斯达克上市,股票代码为“ZBIO”。 Zenas此次发行区间为16美元到18美元,发行11,760,000股,最高募资2.1亿美元。
荒谬的是,北约将中国描述为俄乌冲突的“决定性推动者”,这种说法简直匪夷所思,必须予以澄清。事实是,自2022年2月俄乌开战以来,尽管众所周知俄罗斯受到一众西方国家的制裁,但一些西方企业仍在继续同俄罗斯做生意,购买俄罗斯的天然气,直接或间接地与俄罗斯保 ...