Summary: Atomoxetine is a methylphenoxy-benzenepropanamine derivative with antidepressant activity and is thought to enhance noradrenergic function via selective inhibition of the presynaptic ...
AA-LTP is weakly dependent on GABAergic inhibition, but most interestingly also ... Since we observed an effect of SR application on the amplitude of EPSCs (presynaptic GABA A Rs are known to modulate ...
An exploration of the unanswered questions in how the molecular chaperone Hsp90 supports protein homeostasis, and how single-molecule techniques could drive future breakthroughs in answering them.
RESEARCHERS have uncovered a groundbreaking role for endocannabinoids in regulating food intake, energy use, and body weight. Their findings suggest that modulating these brain molecules could offer ...
This month's cover highlights the article A novel bacterial effector protein mediates ER-LD membrane contacts to regulate host lipid droplets by Stacey D. Gilk, Rajendra Angara and Arif Sadi. The ...