Luckily, I stumbled upon the perfect solution I'm excited to share: Pronounce AI! It offers a free version with instant AI-powered feedback to refine your English speaking skills and gain confidence ...
But what about names of people, companies and products you see all the time but maybe never bothered to get the exact pronunciation on, like Huawei or Ubisoft? Does Jeff Bezos pronounce his own ...
But one issue that has been ongoing since Harris started her career in politics has been her name, or rather, how to pronounce it. We apologize, but this video has failed to load. Over the years ...
“G reek literature contains the germs of almost everything, so you can treat of almost all tendencies in treating of it,” the Hellenist Gilbert Murray wrote in the year 1900. One and a quarter ...
That should have been long enough to pronounce his name properly. But not so according to the man himself, who has cleared up any confusion. The 30-year-old has a couple of middle names ...
Among them was the navigator who brought it back to port and documented his unprecedented route which was a great leap for human history. Spanish Hellenist author Pedro Olalla (born in 1966) is a ...
Elissaios was a Jew with great knowledge of the Greek language who introduced him to the teachings of Zoroaster. According to Scholarios’ writings, Elissaios, who was a Hellenist, introduced Pletho to ...
Sir Horace Walpole’s Strawberry Hill House, the faux-medieval caprice that inspired the Gothic Revival, is a wonderfully atmospheric backdrop for an exhibition of around 20 pictures by the ...