Mulberry is easily accessible —it grows wild, and practically anyone can cultivate it in their garden. However, few people ...
However, the expense of the silk thread and frequent disruptions of trade led them to search for a way to produce the raw material locally. Sericulture—raising silkworms and harvesting the filaments ...
The mulberry growing and silkworm raising profession is opening up new opportunities to get rich for people in Huong Son ...
Nagaa Awni located in Beheira governorate about 200 km from Cairo used to be a village with houses made of mud-brick and straw relying on external ...
However, I doubt Local Kung Fu 3 will have the same nostalgic value for us ten years from now. Both films have previously highlighted local cuisines, including dishes such as silkworms, snails, pork, ...
Timeless Beauties, which runs until end of October, is the final installment in a four-phase exhibition of the Palace ...
A study reveals that the OSER1 protein significantly impacts longevity, suggesting new treatment possibilities for aging. A ...
Insects have been a part of the human diet for centuries. Recently, there has been a resurgence in their consumption as they ...
Insects may well become the “superfoods” of the future, as coveted as quinoa and berries. They may be grudgingly eaten, ...
餐后,当众人准备离去之际,小李子展现出了其慷慨非凡的一面——他慷慨解囊,向餐厅的服务团队赠送了一份令人咋舌的礼物:高达5万欧元(折合人民币约四十万元)的小费。这一突如其来的慷慨之举,瞬间点燃了现场的氛围,服务员们无不震惊又感动,有的甚至眼含泪光,激动 ...
We identified this protein that can extend longevity (long duration of life, red.). It is a novel pro-longevity factor, and it is a protein that exists in various animals, such as fruit flies, ...