国际滑冰联盟花样滑冰大奖赛加拿大站(Skate Canada International),是国际滑冰联盟花样滑冰大奖赛六个分站赛的第二站,由国际滑冰联盟(ISU)和加拿大花样滑冰协会(Skate Canada)合办,一般在每年11月上旬举行,举办城市不固定。比赛内容为花样滑冰男子单人滑 ...
Nanoscience and technology is the branch of science that studies systems and manipulates matter on atomic, molecular and supramolecular scales (the nanometre scale). On such a length scale ...
As we count down the last few days on the calendar, the time has come to reflect back on a newsworthy year in the Klamath Basin, with some stories making national and even international headlines.
The lack of methods for preparing miniature lasers directly on silicon wafers is holding back photonic technology in a range of applications, including machine learning. The solution could be to ...