Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said on Friday that purifying water using natural methods will not only ensure river cleanliness but also result in savings of crores of rupees. According ...
Steroid hormones are among the most widespread aquatic micropollutants. They are harmful to human health, and they cause ecological imbalances in aquatic environments. Researchers investigated how ...
Gorakhpur, January 3: Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Friday inaugurated a ₹2.70 crore water purification project undertaken by the Municipal Corporation to treat drains flowing into the Rapti River ...
Ranchi: Ranchi Municipal Corporation (RMC) has implemented strict guidelines for operating and renewing licences of over 400 RO (reverse osmosis) wate.
The North Carolina Division of Water Resources recently honored the city of Lenoir for surpassing federal and state drinking water standards in 2023, according to a press release from the city. The ...
Tucson City Council will decide on an agreement with the Bureau of Reclamation to reduce use of Colorado River water for a decade or two to fund an advanced water purification facility.