一位前微软员工在社交媒体上公开发声称,微软对于其操作系统如Windows 10和Windows 11的盗版行为并不在意。他甚至还分享了一些关于利用未经授权的KMS服务器来激活这些系统的细节,而这种行为是严重违反许可协议的。
Suspects and a vehicle apprehended in Rhode Island on Friday are linked to the investigation of an armed robbery of a FedEx delivery driver in Massachusetts, police said.
A police chase that started in Massachusetts led to a crash on Interstate 95 near the Providence-Cranston line on Friday ...
近日,有关微软对Windows 11盗版问题的态度引发了广泛讨论。一位自称前微软员工的网友在社交媒体平台上爆料,声称微软对于用户盗版Windows 10和Windows 11的行为持相对宽容的态度。