Havfram has been awarded a turbine and installation support contract by Vattenfall and BASF for their Nordlicht offshore wind ...
综上,目前天成智联仍处于高成长阶段,但增收不增利现象已经显现。此外,公司两大客户贡献营收近六成,也成为其健全发展的隐忧。不过,随着工程物流行业的国际竞争力逐步增强,公司率先布局优势有望兑现增长红利。 返回搜狐,查看更多 ...
RWE is collaborating with the Port Authority of Setúbal in Portugal to facilitate enhancements in its port infrastructure ...
Distributed wind refers to wind turbine installations that power small utilities, individual homes, businesses, farms or ...
8月28日,由明阳智能自主研制的全球单机容量最大、风轮直径最大的海上风电机组MySE18.X-20MW在海南成功吊装。该机组凭借其卓越的性能和创新技术,荣获Windpower ...
Vattenfall expands landfill ban for wind turbine components... No discussions yet. Start a discussion below. The Energy ...
9月6日下午,今年第11号台风“摩羯”(超强台风级)在海南文昌登陆,登陆时中心附近最大风力17级以上(62m/s),成为登陆我国的最强秋台风。超强台风“摩羯”移动路径横扫海南、广东、广西等区域,我国南海在运的风电机组均直接或间接受到台风影响。在台风中,包括全球最大漂浮式风机“明阳天成号”(MySE16.6T-180)、 ...
Wind turbine orders grew to more than 90GW in the first half of 2024, led by continued growth in China, according to new data ...
“明阳天成号”以真本领应对了极端天气的挑战。为确保风机的稳定和安全,“明阳天成号”在设计之初就考虑了360°的台风载荷。“明阳天成号”采用了单点系泊系统,在锚链的牵引以及翼型塔筒提供的气动升力作用下,它能够根据台风的方向进行自适应的偏航调整——台风吹 ...
Siemens Gamesa workers have warned “unfair competition” from China could have “serious consequences” in the German wind ...
Electricity prices fell into negative territory for 7,841 hours across the continent during the first eight months of the ...