Introduction: Root exudates act as the "language" of plant-soil communication, facilitating crucial interactions, information exchange, and energy transfer between plants and soil. The interactions ...
Climate change and intensified human activities have disrupted the natural hydrological regime and rhythm of river-connected lakes, extending the dry season, increasing water loss, and exposing ...
简介:冬季供暖过程中产生的废气对大气环境构成了潜在的威胁,我们需要注意供暖产生的废气对大气污染的影响,并加强烟气监测工作。通过烟气监测,实时监测供暖设备排放的烟气成分和浓度,可以及时发现超标排放情况,并采取相应的治理措施,确保废气 ...