Wolverine, portrayed by Hugh Jackman, was the heart of the FOX X-Men Universe. He was first introduced in X-Men (2000), and Logan's journey would go on for decades. Sequels like X2 would dive into ...
First of all, a good portion of the films are heavily rooted in flashbacks – “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” shows the titular wolf-man back in the 19th century, for example, while “X-Men ...
The good news is that developer Insomniac Games has shifted ... be a selection of the best Wolverine villains. Or check out our guide on how to watch all the X-Men movies in order if you fancy ...
All 4K Blu-ray editions of Deadpool and Wolverine also include a Blu-ray disc and a voucher for the digital edition. Standard Blu-ray editions come with a voucher for the digital version.
However, even after watching the Deadpool & Wolverine post-credits scene we still aren't sure about the future X-Men movies over at Marvel Studios, so be sure to keep an eye on this page!