On Monday, Trump said he has a new target: The Des-Moines Register newspaper, which he said he plans to sue “today or tomorrow” over ... “I think you have to do it because they’re very ...
The rebel coalition said it was working to complete the transfer of power to a transitional governing body with executive powers to rule the ancient nation of more than 23 million people.
A grinch holds on for dear life as a Seahawks flag flaps nearby during a wind gust Saturday morning on Tacoma‘s West side. Craig Sailor The News Tribune The South Sound woke up to windy skies ...
They say we don't really last that long in the league ... [With] their record verse our record, you're just assuming something, but those guys play in the NFL, too, and they've got a lot of ...
Keep it Clean. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, racist or sexually-oriented language. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. Don't Threaten. Threats of harming another person will not be tolerated. Be ...
It’s easy to assume that we’ll have tomorrow, next week and ... life now and not waste a moment. If you need a reminder of that, these gratitude quotes might help. And if you need some ...
“I think what the outpouring of anger at the health care industry tells us is that millions of people understand that health care is a human right and that you cannot have people in the insurance ...