The year 2025 marks the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the European Union and China, as well as the tenth anniversary of the Paris Agreement.
On October 17, 1957, Jordan Overseas Trading Company ordered three Jiefang CA10 trucks from FAW at the Second China Export ...
MOSCOW/BAKU, Dec. 28 (Xinhua) -- Russian President Vladimir Putin apologized for the "tragic incident" in Russian airspace during a phone talk with his Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Aliyev on Saturday ...
Please explain “keep on top of his finances” in this sentence: He said he was going through a hard time having split up from ...
China has once again sent the world a clear signal that it will prioritize bolstering growth and opening up. At the Central ...
阿塞拜疆航空 (Azerbaijan Airlines)表示,本周 导致38人死亡的坠机事件 是“外部物理和技术干扰”造成的,这架飞机当时正飞往俄罗斯南部。这是官方迄今为止最接近证实外界越来越多猜测的说法,即 这架飞机是被俄罗斯防空系统击落的 。
特朗普及其盟友今年提出了要动用美国军事力量打击墨西哥贩毒集团,对此,墨西哥官员试图了解他是认真的,还是仅仅为了在谈判中获得筹码,以切断移民和毒品流向美国的管道。墨西哥新任总统辛鲍姆 (Claudia ...
It is noteworthy that the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) and the General Administration of ...
German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier dissolves the German parliament, the Bundestag, during a statement to the media, ...
MOSCOW, Dec. 25 (Xinhua) -- Russia recognizes there is no easy resolution to the Ukrainian crisis and holds no illusions, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Wednesday. "We have had no ...
路透社12月24日独家报道:在北京加大财政刺激力度,以重振衰退中的经济之际,据两位消息人士称,中国当局已同意明年发行价值3万亿元人民币(4110亿美元)的特别国债,这将是有史以来的最高水平 (Chinese authorities have agreed to issue 3 trillion yuan ($411 billion) worth of special treasury bonds ...
无锡药明康德新药开发股份有限公司(简称:“药明康德”,证券代码:603259)日前发布公告,宣布出售公司在美国、英国从事高端治疗 CTDMO 业务的运营主体。 公告称,药明康德间接全资子公司WuXi ATU (Ireland)Holding ...