U.S. Steel said the Board of Arbitration has ruled in their favor when it came to grievances about their proposed merger with ...
The arbitration board ruled that US Steel met the successorship clause conditions in its labor agreement with the United ...
The United Steelworkers and U.S. Steel’s Board of Arbitration ruled that the company has satisfied each of the conditions of ...
The United Steelworkers and U.S. Steel’s Board of Arbitration ruled that the company has satisfied each of the conditions of ...
匹兹堡 - 美国钢铁公司(NYSE: X)作为一家知名钢铁生产商,已成功满足与美国钢铁工人联合会(USW)签订的基本劳工协议(BLA)中规定的条件,为日本制铁的收购交易铺平了道路。由美国钢铁公司和USW共同选择的仲裁委员会裁定,根据BLA,该交易无需采取进一步行动即可进行。 这项仲裁决定是在USW领导层于2024年1月12日提出申诉后作出的,当时USW声称未遵守BLA的继承条款。2024年8月15 ...
United States Steel Corporation (NYSE: X) ("U. S. Steel" or the "Company") today announced the Board of Arbitration, which is ...
In late August, militants associated with the banned Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) launched multiple attacks across Balochistan, targeting both security forces and civilians. At least 50 people, ...
Air Force veteran Joseph Lopez has thanked 'everyone who fought' for his freedom and is grateful to be back 'standing on ...
QUETTA: As targeted attacks on police officials continue in Pakistan's restive Balochistan province, a bomb blast left 12 ...
(以下内容从西南证券《2024年9月第三周创新药周报》研报附件原文摘录) A股和港股创新药板块及XBI指数本周走势 2024年9月第三周,陆港两地创新药板块共计26个股上涨,34个股下跌。其中涨幅前三为海创药业-U(+19.67%)、亚盛医药-B(+15.99%)、歌礼制药-B(+14.94%)。跌幅前三为荣昌生物-B(-16.89%)、创胜集团-B(-13.33%)、首药控股-U(-11.78% ...
The US airman-turned-social media influencer and his brother — sentenced to jail in Dubai last month after claiming they were ...
Duchenne muscular dystrophy, or DMD, is a severe genetic disorder, typically affecting males, and is characterized by progressive ...