英国工党资深政治家、现任首相基尔·斯塔默(Keir Starmer)的顾问彼得·曼德尔森勋爵(Lord Peter ...
在英国保守党执政14年后,工党“平民首相”斯塔默承诺大转折——重新分配财富并修复公共服务,这为其赢得了今年夏天的大选。英国新任财政大臣蕾切尔-里夫斯(Rachel ...
《一个英国人眼中的明治维新》,[英]亨利·戴尔著,唐双捷译,上海三联书店,2024年5月版 一、 为何“近代日本”至今仍是一个没有冷却的话题? 青年学者唐双捷积近两年的功夫,翻译了亨利·戴尔(Henry ...
KE Adventure新推出了从死海到红海骑自行车穿越约旦的旅游项目。游客骑着Tarmac自行车以及4x4轻型摩托车,可以穿越峡谷,穿过高原,领略十字军(Crusader)时期留下的要塞,欣赏瓦地伦沙漠(Wadi Rum)的风光以及佩特拉神庙的神韵。晚上入住当地拜都因人家(Bedouin),伴着满天繁星入眠,旅程终点是亚喀巴(Aqaba),在此诸位可以尽情畅游。 在周末开着其中一款捷豹(Jagu ...
The transatlantic slave trade, spanning four centuries, generated immense wealth for Western nations and played a critical ...
Oasis is touring again, and Britain is freaking out. Lilah is on with music critic Ludo Hunter-Tilney, who has followed the ...
编者按:清华大学战略与安全中心研究员周波在South China Morning Post(《南华早报》)上发文回应New York ...
今年,Miu Miu与巴塞尔艺术展巴黎展会(Art Basel Paris)公共艺术项目达成官方合作,宣布将于法国经济、社会和环境理事会(Economic, Social and Environmental Council)所在地、同样是Miu ...
Tom heads to eastern Scotland to get stuck into a tough day at sea, make smoked haddock kedgeree, and create the ultimate carrot cake.
Israel carried out air strikes on a scientific research facility and an arms depot in central Syria on Sunday night, a war ...
National treasure Ainsley Harriott challenges some of Britain's best chefs to make inspiring meals from ingredients available in and around a stunning selection of National Trust properties and garden ...