More than 35,000 jobs at the German sites will be cut in a "socially responsible manner by the end of 2030, Volkswagen said ...
The travel time between Huzhou in Zhejiang Province and Shanghai Hongqiao will be cut to 55 minutes when the ...
Currently, land transport between China and the two Central Asian nations relies on road-rail routes or must detour through ...
Reflecting on 2024, Cardillo emphasized the strong performance of U.S. equities, with the S&P 500 and Nasdaq hitting record highs. Nonetheless, he cautioned that markets are nearing "perfect pricing," ...
BEIJING, Dec. 12 (Xinhua) -- China should set a higher deficit-to-GDP ratio for 2025 and reduce the reserve requirement ratio and interest rates when appropriate, according to the annual Central ...
Neon Doctrine 宣布,将在 Steam/GoG 上推出由 Studio [notes.] 所开发的新作游戏《Cold Abyss:Directors Cut》,游戏预定将会支持繁体中文等语系。 另外本作目前也 Steam展开玩家测试招募。
Neon Doctrine 宣布,将在 Steam/GoG 上推出由 Studio [notes.] 所开发的新作游戏《Cold Abyss:Directors Cut》,游戏预定将会支持繁体中文等语系。 另外本作目前也在 Steam ...
“我们预测,未来三年将是近十年来整个行业研发投入,包括AI在汽车领域产业化落地的关键窗口期。在此期间,NOA及以上级别的高阶智能驾驶渗透率有望高达30-40%。”奇瑞汽车股份有限公司副总经理、大卓智能CEO谷俊丽认为。就看接下来,谁能更快、更好地跨越 ...
直播吧12月20日讯 据美记Nick DePaula报道,灰熊新秀杰伦-韦尔斯与耐克签约。 韦尔斯是灰熊2024年的次轮39号秀,他是本赛季10月份和11月份的西部月最佳新秀。
做智驾,是个烧钱的活儿。所以智驾车型价格偏高,有的甚至需要消费者再额外为软件买单,也都是常态。 但为了让智驾功能更加普及,各家厂商近年来也给出了越来越多的优惠,比如拉低入门车型价格,或者限时免费开放智驾包。
Southwest China's Yunnan Province, known for its rich biodiversity and warm climate, highlights local efforts to protect the ecological environment and promote the green transition. According to ...
这样的用心布置,自然成为旅客的热门打卡点。刚过去的周末,不少内地旅客涌入太古广场,根据初步估计,今年12月访港旅客将达到300万至400万人次,「一签多行」的政策效应正在显现。太古广场的布置,无疑充分把握了这一波人流,成功吸引旅客停留,提升商场的消费 ...