尽管剑桥因其激进思想而闻名,但它在变革方面也展现出极其保守的一面。社会政治科学系(SPS)的创立是剑桥大学四十年来首次设立的新学院,整个过程充满了挑战。这一过程如伍迪·艾伦(Woody Allen)所说,“ 永恒是段漫长的时光,尤其是临近尾声时。
Like the faces on the sponge, the Discipline Wheel is designed to get people to use Generative AI to look at problems from ...
The ability of the subconscious is immense. It saves us a lot of energy by automating many of our daily tasks.
Social orders and ideologies tend to arise and persist for complex reasons, and should they fail, they leave behind complex ...
The desire to be right can conflict with the desire to be happy. New research on predicting the future shows which wins out ...
Following the conference 'Understanding Epistemic Injustice', organised by the Department of Philosophy in 2014, we have made available material from the conference to facilitate further discussion on ...
At BIO this week, Boston-based tech company Epistemic AI officially launched its own entry into the embryonic category, EpistemicGPT, with the promise to allow researchers to “interact with ...
Your Artstor image groups were copied to Workspace. The Artstor website will be retired on Aug 1st. Nordic Journal of Migration Research Vol. 12, No. 3, 2022 Epistemic Violence Toward Immigrant Wome..
据AI 科技评论观察,随着人工智能研究的蓬勃发展,IJCAI 等顶级会议的投稿量急剧增加,竞争越发激烈,特别从今年的提交数量高出去年 23.8% 便可看出。在这个阶段,学术界越来越重视研究质量而非数量,可能导致会议组织者更加谨慎选择收录的论文,如 ...
A recent study published in Emotion challenges the idea that people may find some satisfaction in having their pessimistic ...