Aspiring musician JB swaps his religious family for Venice Beach, where he meets busker KG and resolves to steal a green guitar pick which turns the user into a rock god.
瑞财经 AI 12月26日消息,北京银行股份有限公司(证券代码:601169 证券简称:北京银行)近日发布了一则关于监事辞任的公告。公告显示,公司监事会于近日收到了李健提交的书面辞职报告。由于李健在本行担任外部监事已满六年,她决定辞去本行外部监事、监事会提名委员会主任委员以及监事会监督委员会委员的职务。这一辞任决定自2024年12月24日起生效。李健在辞职确认中表示,她与本行监事会无不同意见,且无 ...
Thanh Truong, the Fruit Nerd, explores the relationship between fresh produce and the craft of cooking. He learns about the journey of Australian-grown fruits and vegetables, presents creative culinar ...