European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire, Vol. 30, Issue. 5, p. 665. Reid, Darren 2024. British Humanitarianism, Indigenous Rights, and Imperial Crises: Assessing the Membership Base of ...
It asks how humanitarianism relates to ideas about human rights and justice, and the politics of securitisation. It considers why humanitarian organisations and governments respond to some crises and ...
Receive a thorough grounding in both the practical and theoretical aspects of humanitarian issues. Learn from some of the most renowned names in the field of humanitarian research. Engage first-hand ...
International Review of the Red Cross / Volume 97 / Issue 897-898 / June 2015, pp 77-109; M. Barnett, (2011). Empire of Humanity: A History of Humanitarianism, Ithaca: Cornell University Press; M.
You must submit your online application for a place on PhD Humanitarianism & Conflict Response by 13 January 2025. Indicate in section 9 of the application your intention to apply for a ...
Explore the concept of humanitarianism and the shared qualities that make us human. By looking at the ideas of kindness and human dignity, this teaching resource explores what it really means to be a ...
The transatlantic slave trade, spanning four centuries, generated immense wealth for Western nations and played a critical ...
They are forcing teenage girls in Turkey to testify in court against their parents and older siblings, a dangerous erosion of ...
Both simple actions and profound changes are needed to move past lip service and create more equitable responses to forced ...
Western governments ignored widespread fraud in South Korean adoptions and sometimes pressured the country to keep the kids ...
The militia tried to systematically kill all the males over 10, Maryam said, and also killed some younger ones. A 1-day-old ...