亚当·图兹(章静绘)亚当·图兹(Adam Tooze)是典型的政学双栖动物。他长期致力于经济史研究,尤以危机相关议题为重心。他于2001年出版的处女作《统计与德意志国家,1900-1945:现代经济知识的形成》(Statistics and the German State, 1900-1945: The Making of Modern Economic Knowledge)考察了宏观经济知识的 ...
神话传说蕴藏着民族的文化基因与精神特质,其改编关乎国族认同与文化主体性的构建。步入新时代以来,中华优秀传统文化的创造性转化、创新性发展 (简称“两创”)成为我国社会主义文化建设的重要命题,“中华文明突出特性”的提出更为理解这一命题提供了有力的理论框架 ...
Pache, Anne-Claire, Julie Battilana, and Channing Spencer. "An Integrative Model of Hybrid Governance: The Role of Boards in Helping Sustain Organizational Hybridity." Academy of Management Journal 67 ...
At the most fundamental level, hybridity simply refers to a combination or mixture. Beyond this broad meaning, the term has recently been popularised to specifically describe overlaps between and ...
Outside the stadiums, the Cultural Olympiad is just as full of energy and splendor. There, Taiwan supports its athletes ...
An American contemporary artist whose work has adorned one of the most famous buildings in the world is featuring in a new ...
Primitivism and Interior Design: Art Deco, Hybridity and the Decolonization of the Modern Interior in France, 1909-39 (SSHRC-funded research project 2021-25) Primitivism is a highly contested term and ...
These interests include: Afro-diasporic history, history of the idea of race, blackface minstrelsy as a popular culture export, performance studies, post-colonial hybridity theory, Asian American ...
We're excited to introduce the cohort making up NEW INC's 2024-25 Art & Code track, a partnership between Rhizome and NEW INC ...
Everything Squared succeeds both on its own terms and as a reminder of how original Seefeel were from the outset.
An uneasy broadcast industry laid its cards on the table with vendors in Amsterdam, pushing budget-consciousness to the ...