按照目前的情况,高通和联发科都已经官宣将于 10 月发布下一代旗舰手机芯片——高通发布骁龙 8 Gen 4,联发科发布天玑 9400,并且随后手机品牌马上就将发布首发机型。比如卢伟冰透露小米即将首发「旗舰新平台」,不出意外就是骁龙 8 Gen 4。
在与其他竞争对手相比时,A18 Pro仍有提升空间。骁龙8 Gen 4在单核和多核的表现分别为3236和10049,明显领先于A18 Pro。在移动处理器市场竞争日益激烈的今天,苹果需要快速提升其产品性能来满足用户的需求。
iPad Pro, with a Magic Keyboard. Expensive, but it works great for me. I use the touchpad all the time when the keyboard is attached, I loathe having to move my hands off the keyboard to mess with the ...
【ITBEAR】9月25日消息,近日,有关高通骁龙8 Gen 4 for Galaxy(亦称骁龙8 Gen ...
At the time of writing, it’s only been 35 months since the iPad mini 6th-gen went on sale. Here’s how long the current iPads have been on sale: If we have to wait 42 months, as with the 4th ...
近日,博主@数码闲聊站 在微博上透露了一则消息,引发网友们的热议。他暗示骁龙8 Gen 4可能会改名,网友们纷纷猜测各种可能的新名字。有人认为可能会命名为“骁龙9000”“骁龙888”等富有象征意义的名字。
If you’re looking for a top-tier device without the hefty price tag of a brand-new model, a grade-A refurbished Apple iPad Air 4th Gen is a terrific choice—and it’s now available for just $ ...
If you want a low-cost, modern tablet that's ready for work or play, check out this 4th Gen iPad Pro. Normally, one of these iPads would cost $1,299, but you can get one for $599.99. This iPad Pro ...
【ITBEAR】9月27日消息,三星旗舰新机Galaxy S25 ...
9月13日,vivo官宣将在10月14日举行新品发布会,预计就是首发天玑9400的vivo ...