Johnston. There can be no doubt of the jood qualities of guano as a manure, and on )oor soil, or soil worn out by successive crops without manuring, some powerful fertilizer nust be employed to ...
The NZ Herald reported findings from the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station.
Those who are aware of the fact that their soil requires manuring, have taken recourse to the columbine or pigeon dung. But the culture of pigeons has proved to be a greater loss to the country ...
So I was manuring with remnants of sweet fruits. There was this over-ripe pawpaw – too ripe and soft to eat that I put in the sack of soil as manure. When it decomposed, the seeds started sprouting, I ...
Initially, Anand Mishra grew wheat and rice but didn’t find it interesting as it was not lucrative. He pondered greener ...
Abstract: A urine collection system includes a urine collection device configured to collect urine discharged from a user and ...
This implies that the quality of ‘food-waste’ is very rich for the compost and manuring. Given that farmers in India have a hard time finding high-quality compost at affordable prices ...
In Norse mythology, the end of the world, Ragnarok, begins with a three-year winter with no intervening summers: the Fimbulvetr. Now, a new research study from the National Museum of Denmark, ...
At UC Davis, Dr. Six further developed this line of research with a focus on the feedbacks between ecosystem management options (e.g., tillage, cover cropping, green manuring, sustainable farming, and ...
With various colleagues, I have explored the material correlates and decision-making contexts of such practices as cereal irrigation, manuring and weeding of crops, training of draught cattle, milking ...