The controversial​ MBTA Communities Law is constitutional, the high court ruled, but changes to housing guidelines are needed.
The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court says the MBTA Communities Law is constructional, but current guidelines need fixing.
In a decision with massive implications for the state's effort to build more housing, the Supreme Judicial Court ruled that ...
Milton lost the legal fight to resist the Healey administration's housing production law after the state's highest court ...
In a warning to communities along the MBTA system, the state's highest court has affirmed the Attorney General's authority to sue cities and towns to force them to ...
A hotly anticipated ruling from the Commonwealth’s Supreme Judicial Court affirms that the state government has a clear ...
The state’s highest court ruled Wednesday that while the much-debated MBTA Communities law — which would allow the state to ...
The state’s highest court has made clear that communities subject to the law must allow for additional, responsible ...