Bourrat and Koers, who both speak both languages almost perfectly, deviate from their "one person, one language" rule when the situation requires it. "For example, when Chloe's mother is visiting from ...
“2024世界台湾客家恳亲大会”为客家界2年1次的盛事,今年于温哥华举办,全球客家人展现强大经济实力和传承精神。加拿大议员哈迪 (Ken Hardy)称赞迁徙至加拿大的客家民族,一起打造美好家园。台湾客委会主委古秀妃赞扬加拿大有多元文化的土壤,更滋润了客家文化。
According to Statistics Canada, in 2021, 1 in 4 Canadians had at least one mother tongue other than English or French. Many ...
根据国家聋哑和其他交流障碍研究所的数据显示 ,每100个孩子中就有2到3个孩子在出生时就被检测出天生单耳或双耳听力损失 。研究所还指出,90%的失聪童是听力正常的父母所生。