所有升上去的必然会降下来,这是conventional wisdom——习语「conventional wisdom」就是传统智慧,大部分人都相信的观念或想法。传统智慧(conventional ...
“你喝多了” 不是 “You drink too much” ,有一个极妙的单词你知道吗?酒后人各有其态,程度不同,英语有哪些有趣的描述?吉米老师今天给大家聊聊跟酒相关的那些事儿~~ 今天的话题和酒有关,吉米老师首先要说的是:饮酒莫贪杯,健康最重要。 中国是酒的 ...
巴西外卖应用程序特许经营初创企业Delivery ...
In the week ending September 13, all three major U.S. stock indexes posted significant gains, with the Nasdaq surging nearly ...
The star exhibit at the 2024 World Manufacturing Convention—the French Company Alstom’s straddle monorail made a stunning ...
This summer, a group of students from seven different US states embarked on a study tour in China, visiting cities such as Beijing, Shijiazhuang, Fuzhou, Hangzhou, and Shanghai. Invited by China Daily ...
Renowned American contemporary photographer Stephen Shore left a Beijing lecture mid-way on September 19, expressing ...
The Greater Bay Area has witnessed countless "Hengqin Miracles". In the in-depth cooperation zone, a more integrated and inclusive lifestyle has been made possible. Yet there's more to expect from ...
编者按:清华大学战略与安全中心研究员周波在South China Morning Post(《南华早报》)上发文回应New York ...