在向前妻提出复婚遭拒后,罗某某怀揣尖刀尾随前妻陶某某至火车站,当场将其杀害。今天(25日),上海检察机关披露了这起案件详情,罗某某因犯故意杀人罪被判处死刑,今年4月19日,经最高人民法院核准,对其执行死刑。2020年7月30日,罗某某与陶某某协议离婚,之后二人又因债务产生纠纷,陶某某向江苏省淮安市淮安区人民法院 ...
日常很多人喜欢的巧克力、蛋糕、饼干、甜品等都属于甜食,由于美味可口深受女性和儿童的喜爱,一些妹子更是无甜不欢,每天不吃上一些甜食就不舒服。可据报道,江苏省南京市中医院的老中医李果烈竟表示,甜食是毒药,自己之所以能86岁依然精神矍铄,主要原因就是绝对不 ...
Authorities in Hamilton County, Ohio, said the rail car was leaking styrene, a toxic and flammable chemical that is used to ...
For the Zoho IoT platform, it offers plans ranging from Rs 2,940 per month billed annually for up to 25 devices, which is the ...
标题:The Hokkaido Serial Murder Case: The Okhotsk Disappearance ~Memories in Ice, Tearful Figurine~ NSP / Oho-tsuku ni kiyu ~ ...
China said it test-launched an intercontinental ballistic missile on Wednesday, firing it into the Pacific Ocean in its first ...
DoNews9月12日消息,据新浪科技报道,近年来,“假货”一直是得物的禁忌词汇,也是悬在其头顶的达摩克利斯之剑。在假货问题没有解决的同时,大量买家和卖家吐槽得物的鉴定属于“两头吃”,在鉴定结果没有保障的同时向买卖双方收取费用。创立于2015年的得物 ...
China's commerce ministry on Wednesday said it "firmly opposes" US plans to ban the sale of connected vehicles incorporating Chinese and Russian technology, citing national security risks.
Ozeki aspirant Onosato continued his impressive start to the Autumn Grand Sumo Tournament with an overwhelming victory ...
China test launched an intercontinental ballistic missile into the Pacific Ocean on Wednesday, the defence ministry said.
宝藏小吃任你寻,「YOHO小吃卡」带你体验港式特色扫街之旅 ...