Iqbal was also critical of the political system of the west. In his opinion, the western concept of democracy hinged on capitalism. He puts these thoughts into verse saying.
Iqbal was certain that the Muslim Ummah if united would certainly be successful. He expresses his hopefulness in one of his verses and the gist is: ...
اقبال کی ایک پرستار : سیدہ اختر حیدر آبادی ڈاکٹر معین الدین عقیل کلام اقبال کی مقبولیت خود ان کے اپنے زمانے میں ایک مثالی حیثیت اختیار کر چکی تھی کہ اس کے مظاہر اور اس کی مثالیں، بالخصوص اقبال کی ملی ...
Just dummy text not for reading Just dummy text not for reading Just dummy text not for reading Just dummy text not for reading Just dummy text not for reading Just ...
The spiritual life has been described as the “interiorization of the outward” (khalwa)and the “exteriorization of the inward” (jalwa)’.Education is an aspect of the latter process; the very etymology ...
Dr. Absar Ahmad has done an able research work ‘Concept of Self and Self-Identity in the Contemporary Philosophy’ which has been published by the Iqbal Academy, Pakistan Lahore. The problem of self is ...
Director, Centre of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies University of Durham Of writings about Muhammad Iqbal there seems to be no end. So at the present time, in April, 1967, it is extremely difficult ...
Our conference marks the 100th anniversary of Iqbal’s study in Cambridge and Munich. In this paper I am interested principally in his study of European philosophy, which extended far beyond his ...
"Who knows that after the death of Ghalib another person would born in sub-continent who will infuse a new soul in the body of urdu poetry.I think that when Ghalib died, his soul could not lay at rest ...
Iqbal was shaken by the tragic events of World War I and the disaster the Muslims had to face. The genius had passed through the formative period. He had attained maturity as a poet, thinker, seer and ...
The last phase of Iqbal’s life was embittered with constant illness. But as regards his creative activities this product was most productive. He kept in touch with every question of the day and ...
سرگودھا:دخترِ ڈاکٹر علامہ محمد اقبالؒ ، محترمہ منیرہ بانو کی 88ویں سالگرہ (پیدائش:31/اگست1930ء ...