Edmonton City as Museum Project is a museum without physical collections. All images on our website are the property of their respective owners. Edmonton City as a Museum Project does not hold the ...
Want to learn about what it was like to build one of Edmonton’s skyscrapers without a safety harness, or the work it took to rebuild a family after a tragic run-in with scarlet fever? This collection ...
Edmonton Maps Heritage is currently in renovation mode! Check back for the new and improved Edmonton Maps Heritage experience. Sign up for the Edmonton Heritage Council’s e-newsletter and stay in the ...
Our names are telling of our roots, who we are, and where we come from. Often the places we call home are where we feel most comfortable, safe, happy, and form the strongest of our memories. Powerful ...
Perhaps it’s the climate or maybe it’s the community, but Edmonton hosts over 50 festivals every year! In this collection, uncover the histories behind these annual events and explore their ...
Despite the (at times) harsh environment, Edmontonians have found unique ways to experience the outdoors. In this featured collection, peruse stories about winter mountaineering, skiing, hockey, ...
“When immigrants arrived in Alberta, they found no Italian societies to ease their way.” Explore the people, places, and motions that were at the heart of Italian immigrants finding a foothold in ...
Edmonton has a history of tearing things down to make way for something new, be it city hall, historical homes, or even a lake! In this featured collection, explore some local places lost to “progress ...
Initially, Black Canadians made their way to the North-West Territories as individual pioneers or accompanying traders. Most were attempting to make a living from the fur trade and found employment ...
The children may be our future, but they’ve also shaped the past. Discover more about the history of this place through reflections on growing up in Edmonton.