The SS United States in port in Philadelphia, PA. Shot on August 2, 2020 By Chuck Homler d/b/a FocusOnWildlife – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia ...
This quiz will test your knowledge of scuba diving safety and equipment. From understanding the importance of proper gear selection to recognizing potential hazards, we’ll explore the practical ...
Are you an expert on marine life? Take our ocean creature quiz and put your knowledge to the test!
Want to access DIVE on your tablet or smartphone? Press the Apple, Android or PC/Mac image below to download the app for your device ...
US port privileges denied to fishing vessels of 17 nations as a result of failing to adhere to High Seas Driftnet Fishing Moratorium Protection Act NOAA Fisheries has denied US port privileges to a ...
The Schmidt Ocean Institute’s latest expedition to the Nazca Ridge, an underwater Pacific mountain chain located approximately 1450km (900 miles) off the coast of Chile, has turned up at least 20 new ...
Dive into the depths of scuba diving with this general knowledge trivia quiz! Test your understanding of essential dive skills, marine life, safety protocols, and underwater exploration. Good luck!
Dive into scuba safety with our quiz. Test your expertise on essential practices and equipment handling underwater.
Philippines Aggressor II takes divers to the best of the Philippine archipelago including Tubbataha, the Visayas and Cebu – home of the thresher shark Scuba diving in the Philippines on a liveaboard ...
This quiz will test your understanding of the scientific principles that govern scuba diving. From the effects of pressure to the risks of dangerous ascents, we’ll explore the physics and physiology ...
The Marine Conservation Society’s annual Great British Beach Clean is running between 20-29 September 2024, with a number of events planned across the United Kingdom. The Great British Beach Clean, ...
The Maldives government has said it will not reopen its longline fisheries, following a concerted campaign by international conservation groups and local fishermen to overturn a decision made in June ...