PFC驱动部分的,EPWM1-A和EPWM1-B起的什么作用?我看在程序里没有设置它的占空比? 在Lab4中关于如下代码几个变量的理解 ...
The two technologies are not compatible. Is there any reason an FPDlink SER cannot be used? I can provided compatible device to the ADI MAX96724/F/R.
My account is evaluating MSPM0L1306 DAC but it seems like the DAC output is not linear. When the setting value is the upper limit. As shown as figure below, the ...
Hello I have a question about changes in PRU FW between SDK Linux RT version 8.2 and 9.1. When I connect IDK PRU ICSSG port to NIC which starts sending frames after linkUp. There is different behavior ...
Yes, we can transfer the data like indicated but not sure this is the most optimal option. Can you please explain what you are trying to do? On the camera side what serializer are you going to use?
My customer wants to confirm the MPU (Cortex-A8) frequency.of AM3357. The clock frequency of Arm Cortex-A8 is configured by setting MPU PLL (n, m, m2) from the external input clock. Is this correct ?
TPS61165DRVRG4 is constant current LED driver. The LCD module backlight has a spec for both voltage and current. for example, our backlight has a current spec 180mA and voltage spec typ 9.6V, max10.2V ...
I am calculating the power consumption of all components on my circuit for thermal simulation. The circuit is the same as typical application circuit in the datasheet below and all FETs are ...
Probe PVDDH with scope. Probe output of amplifier while playing a fixed amplitude and frequency sinewave. Change PVDDH voltage below the set BOP threshold, make this a sudden voltage step down that ...
It is planned to design a power supply, the input voltage is: 9V~40V support (maximum AC28V input), and the output is: [email protected]. The 220uH inductor is designed to allow the LM5164 to operate in CCM ...
I am asking this for our customer. F280013x is in I2C target. In some cases, F280013x may have sent a byte by writing the byte onto I2CDXR but gets STOP from the controller, so the byte is in I2CXSR ...
I am working towards answering your question, but the lab work required will take me a bit of time. I will have an answer for you by the end of the week. There is no ripple specification that has been ...