The two technologies are not compatible. Is there any reason an FPDlink SER cannot be used? I can provided compatible device to the ADI MAX96724/F/R.
Yes, we can transfer the data like indicated but not sure this is the most optimal option. Can you please explain what you are trying to do? On the camera side what serializer are you going to use?
I am calculating the power consumption of all components on my circuit for thermal simulation. The circuit is the same as typical application circuit in the datasheet below and all FETs are ...
Hello I have a question about changes in PRU FW between SDK Linux RT version 8.2 and 9.1. When I connect IDK PRU ICSSG port to NIC which starts sending frames after linkUp. There is different behavior ...
My customer wants to confirm the MPU (Cortex-A8) frequency.of AM3357. The clock frequency of Arm Cortex-A8 is configured by setting MPU PLL (n, m, m2) from the external input clock. Is this correct ?
My account is evaluating MSPM0L1306 DAC but it seems like the DAC output is not linear. When the setting value is the upper limit. As shown as figure below, the ...
Texas Instruments (TI) Interface support forum is an extensive online knowledge base where millions of technical questions and solutions are available 24/7. You can search interface IC content or ask ...
We are trying to find the descriptions of the below MCAN interrupts. We have followed the below thread suggestions, but could only find the description of mcan0.mcanss_ext_ts_rollover_lvl_int.0. But ...
Texas Instruments (TI) Sensors support forum is an extensive online knowledge base where millions of technical questions and solutions are available 24/7. You can search sensors IC content or ask ...
We are building the Ti Yocto Linux but everytime it gives an error in the following package, gdk-pixbuf_2.42.10. This is the command that we use for the setup: ./oe ...
Between the available BringupGuides I selected the AFE7950+ TSW14J57.pptx During the first steps of the procedure, I understood that I had to download the HSDC Pro application. I downloaded the High ...
Texas Instruments (TI) Bluetooth® support forum is an extensive online knowledge base where millions of technical questions and solutions are available 24/7. You can search Bluetooth® IC content or ...