Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the conscription of 133,000 new servicemen in Russia's autumn draft that starts Oct. 1 and goes until the end of the         year, according to a Kremlin decre ...
Indian police are investigating an elaborate scam that swindled a prominent businessman out of $830,000 by summoning him to a fake online hearing before India’s Supreme Court and making a threat of ...
總結今年第三季, 美股三大指數都上升.         道指累升百分之8.2; 標普500指數累升百分之5.5; 納指累升百分之2.6.
美股收市全線上升, 三大指數升幅輕微, 其中道指及標普500指數齊創收市新高.         美債孳息率上升, 加上美國聯儲局主席鮑威爾發表不急於進一步減息的言論後, 美股三大指數低開後, 一度短暫下跌, 最終都高收.         道瓊斯工業平均指數連升第三個交易日; 收報42330點, 升17點, 升幅百分之0.04.         納斯達克指數收報18189點, 升69點, 升幅百分之 ...
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday that the United Nations General Assembly should recommend the use of force, in line with a resolution it         passed in 1950, if the U.N. Security Co ...
The Biden administration will toughen an asylum ban at the U.S.-Mexico border to keep it in place for longer, U.S. Department of Homeland Security officials said on Monday, signaling a desire to furth ...
At least 24 people were killed by an airstrike on a village in Nigeria's northern Kaduna state, residents and a local councillor said on Monday, after an Air Force operation targeting armed gangs and ...
The U.S. military on Monday released video of what it said was an unsafe maneuver by a Russian fighter jet near Alaska during an intercept by the         U.S. military last week.                  The ...
天文台在早上6點, 發出紅色火災危險警告.         現時的火災危險警告是紅色, 表示火災危險性極高.
鑑於黎巴嫩局勢的最新發展, 香港特區政府提升對黎巴嫩外遊警示級別至黑色.         港府表示, 黑色外遊警示級別表示有嚴重威脅, 由於黎巴嫩的安全形勢極不明朗, 港府呼籲市民不應前往當地. 身在黎巴嫩的港人要注意人身安全, 並應該盡快撤離或轉移至相對安全區域.         保安局會繼續密切留意當地局勢, 如有進一步消息, 會透過媒體、保安局流動應用程式及外遊警示網頁( ...
天文台指, 本港過去二十年, 平均每年都有約一次龍捲風或水龍捲報告, 大多在本港東部和南部水域發生. 而上星期六維港出現的水龍捲, 就是自1959年以來首次在維港內有水龍捲報告.         水龍捲屬於小尺度的強對流天氣系統, 出現時間和位置有非常大隨機性, 其發展迅速, 強度變化較大, 生命周期可以非常短, 由形成到消散歷時可能只是幾分鐘至幾十分鐘.         天文台說, 如果遇到這些 ...
油價收市微跌, 紐約期油及布蘭特期油低收但變動不算大. 不過, 第三季度油價下跌一成七, 原因是中東衝突擴大可能抑制原油供應的憂慮, 被全球需求減弱的憂慮所掩蓋.         紐約11月期油收報每桶68.17美元, 跌1美仙, 跌幅百分之0.01.         倫敦11月布蘭特期油收報每桶71.77美元, 跌21美仙, 跌幅百分之0.29.         總結9月, 紐約期油下跌了百分之 ...