To get the most accurate diagnosis, here are some guidelines and a few simple questions you should be prepared to answer when contacting us. Please also visit the Lawn & Garden FAQ to find more ...
This publication is intended for professionals who manage lawns, golf courses, athletic fields, and other turfgrass areas with cool-season turfgrass species. If you are a non-professional turfgrass ...
Would you like to have a million dollars by the time that you retire? There are several ways to become wealthy. One way is to marry a wealthy person (e.g., Bill Gates’ wife, Melinda). Another is to ...
A food system includes everything from farm to table. A community food system is a food system in which food production, processing, distribution and consumption are integrated to enhance the ...
New Jersey's marine ecosystems provide food, recreation, and employment for our residents. Managing these ecosystems to reinvigorate and sustain New Jersey's finfish and shellfish fisheries is a task ...
Few insects can compare with the alarm caused by Cicada Killer Wasps—Sphecius speciosus. These large solitary wasps are also known as Giant Cicada Killers or Sand Hornets. This last common name is a ...
Fruit, vegetable, and field crop growers use copper-based fungicides as a protectant for many foliar diseases. The key with copper is that it must be applied before the presence of disease in order to ...
Below is an extensive database of tomato variety descriptions and images of fruit grown at Rutgers NJAES research farms. We continue to add details and photos as they become available.
The Rutgers Agricultural Research and Extension Center in Upper Deerfield (Cumberland County) generates and dispenses research applicable to the production of high-quality vegetable crops, ornamentals ...
Many people will enter places they suspect may have bed bugs. Home health workers, maintenance and cleaning personnel, persons making deliveries and installations, travelers, first responders and ...
The first Master Gardener program in New Jersey started in Bergen County in 1984. Since then, Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES) Cooperative Extension has trained thousands of ...
Hydrangeas are great plants for the garden whose many benefits have been well recognized by gardeners over the centuries. They provide floral and occasionally foliar interest beginning in late spring ...